- Portable Plants Fully assembled and installed steam, mounted above the bed or in closed container. Li>
- Designed for extreme environmental conditions, for very small or confined spaces and marine facilities. Li>
- Reduced installation costs and saving space is a result of specifying a portable steam. Li>
- The installation of a portable plant involves a small share of technical and maintenance staff. Li>
- Minimum floor space; a quarter of a conventional boiler installation. li>
- are fully automatic ready to respond instantly to changing load demands. Li>
- The different configurations of the portable plants can incorporate all necessary components. Li>
Features and advantages:
- Design customizable, compact and easily transportable. Li>
- High thermal efficiency and minimum energy storage. Li>
- Contents under water. Li>
- Quick Start. Li>
- Fully automatic. Li>
- Immediate response by consumer demand. Li>
- Versatility in the fuel. Li>
- No risk of explosion. Li>
- Easy to clean. Li>
- High heat transfer. Li>
- Low sooting. Li>
- No water level in the boiler. Li>
- Availability. Li>
- Short Lead. Li>
Main components: Basic notebook Plant .- Steam boiler with or without economizer, with oil burner, natural gas, biogas or propane.
- Positive displacement pump to feed water to the boiler. Li>
- Domo separator water / steam. Li>
- Fuel tank daily consumption or gas ramp. Li>
- Manual cleaning system by blowing steam soot. Li>
- supply tank water softener and dosing chemicals. Li>
- tank purging and sampling cooler. Li>
- electrical power and control box with PLC. Li>
Available in regime "Sale or Rent" . Request more information without obligation, click here
Engineering and Trade Promoters
Prodinco S.A
© 2011 Prodinco S.A.
All rights reserved.
Prodinco S.A
© 2011 Prodinco S.A.
All rights reserved.
C/ Rio Duero, s/n
Ships A-0, A-1, A-2 , y A-3
Industrial Estate la Raya
28816 Camarma de Esteruelas
C/ Rio Duero, s/n
Ships A-0, A-1, A-2 , y A-3
Industrial Estate la Raya
28816 Camarma de Esteruelas
Tlf: +(34) 91 661 16 02
Tlf: +(34) 91 886 42 87
Tlf: +(34) 91 661 16 02
Tlf: +(34) 91 886 42 87